Making Civics Accessible.


Educating Communities, Enacting Equity, Empowering Civic Engagement

What is Time To Advocate?

Time To Advocate aims to give the next generation of Rhode Island citizens the tools they need to be active and engaged in civics. Our mission is to break down barriers to civic engagement by equipping people of all ages, colors, cultures, citizenship statuses, and backgrounds with the tools to become engaged leaders in democracy. Time To Advocate delivers civic education through animated explainer videos and multimedia content. We aim to empower the leaders of tomorrow - The Time To Advocate is Now!

Register to Vote

We here at Time To Advocate want to make civics more accessible. We aim to help create an America where everyone has the tools to engage effectively in their community. A critical step in exercising your voice, starts with registering to vote and casting your ballot. We have a presidential election this year, so it’s important to ensure you’re registered to vote and have a plan to use your voice by selecting not only our next president, but elected officials up and down the ballot.

Who we are. What we do.

In 2022, we founded Time To Advocate to make civic education more accessible, engaging, and exciting for young Rhode Islanders. With over 50 years of experience in public service, community organizing, campaigning, and advocacy, or team routinely witnesses the barriers young people face in becoming engaged. Recognizing our diverse range of experiences, perspectives, and close ties to Rhode Island communities, our team sees ourselves as uniquely positioned to connect with Rhode Island youths and bridge the gaps between the education they need to become effective citizens and the actual educational resources they receive. We believe our society’s most challenging problems, protecting democracy, climate change, inequality, can only be solved once everyone has a seat at the decison-making table.

To empower young people from historically marginalized backgrounds to advocate for themselves and their communities, we package our resources in formats comfortable for youths. We meet young Rhode Islanders where they are, by providing civics education in the form of short-form animated explainer videos, social media posts, community workshops, and classroom visits. By providing resources through a wide range of mediums, we can reach a wide cross-section of students in Rhode Island, helping break down educational barriers that have historically kept important civics tools concentrated in the hands of the well-connected and well-resourced.
