Our Board

  • Corey Jones

    Corey Jones is a Co-Founder of Time To Advocate and Time To Run. Corey is the former Executive Director of Black Lives Matter RI & NE PAC, a former policy advisor for Governor Daniel J. McKee, and currently is Chief of Program Development at the Department of Labor and Training. From working in the fast food industry, in the juvenile system, as a labor fixing roofs, or for the Governor of Rhode Island Corey brings a wide range of experience and a vision to give activist the skills and tools to become advocates!

    In the midst of the Black Lives Matter movement Corey used the skills provided by many of the people on this board and others to start the Black Lives Matter RI PAC and was instrumental in working with the Governor in passing policies like crisis intervention training for all 39 cities and towns. Now, with many of the people who provided Corey the tools to create systemic change. We have the team to give those same tools to everyone.

    Born in Chicago, Ill and raised in Iowa Corey Jones currently lives in Providence, Rhode Island. Where he Is dedicated to fighting for a better future for young, multicultural, multiracial, people.

  • Jennifer Ball

    Jennifer Ball is a language researcher focused on bias. She is on the board of TimeToAdvocate.org & TimeToRun.org in order to facilitate the empowerment of people of all cultures to run for office in order equalize opportunities. As a researcher of Chinese, Ancient Egyptian, Sumerian, Hebrew, and more, Jennifer knows that associating color with good and evil is at least a 5,000-years’ old practice that needs to stop because the visual spectrum does not confer morality. The elevation of whiteness and devaluation of darkness is a global bias that reinforces stereotypes. Police targets need to stop portraying a silhouette of a dark image on a white background; the White House needs to be repainted more equitably; the Washington Post needs to stop writing “Democracy Dies in Darkness” because these flawed ideologies are all based upon biased clichés that map darkness as a moral opposite to lightness when, in fact, these shades are simply wavelengths that have no relationship to ethics or virtue.

    Jennifer and her research partner Xu Chao have created the first Hanzi substructure search engine, www.HanziFinder.com. Jennifer and her translator Maggie Li have together published two novels in China based upon Jennifer’s previously published novels, Higher Math and Catalyst. Jennifer has taught 453 Chinese college students English in Suzhou, China at Soochow University. Jennifer can speak Mandarin as well as read and type simplified Hanzi. She has given away 600 free helmets in China in an effort to elevate the need for safety. Jennifer also gives talks about Inclusive Language. Her websites are www.OriginOfAlphabet.com and www.Fingerpuppetsrock.com.

  • Tiara Mack

    Tiara is an educator and activist raised in the south. She is a board member of Women’s Health and Education Fund (WHEF). In 2019 she declared her candidacy for Rhode Island State Senate, challenging a 30 year incumbent, who she beat by almost 20 points. She is RI’s first openly queer black senator.

    Tiara is dedicating to working in black and brown communities to increase civic engagement. With Time To Advocate she plans to give the tools to the community so we can all be change makers.

  • Randy McDonough

    Dr. Randy McDonough is Professor of Pharmacy Management and Innovation at Loma Linda University School of Pharmacy and co-owner of Towncrest, Solon Towncrest, and Towncrest Compounding Pharmacies. He is also co-founder/co- owner of Innovative Pharmacy Solutions. He oversees Towncrest Pharmacy’s clinical services including MTM services, nursing home consulting, wellness screenings, immunizations, and adherence services. He is responsible for development, implementation, and quality assurance for all aspects of the clinic and services. He is board certified in geriatrics and as a pharmacotherapy specialist. His areas of interest include community-based outcomes research, pharmaceutical education, geriatrics, disease state management, student development, and the development of patient care initiatives in the community pharmacy setting.

    Dr. McDonough has published and presented extensively on the subject of pharmaceutical care and MTM in the community pharmacy setting. In particular he is recognized for his efforts in developing and implementing patient care services. He has co-authored a book on pharmaceutical care and has written chapters for several other texts. He has presented nationally and internationally on pharmaceutical care, MTM services and Performance Measures in the community pharmacy setting. Dr. McDonough has been on the front lines of advocating for small pharmacy and knows how important advocacy is and that’s why he’s committed to teaching the community how to advocate for themselves.

  • Bernice Morris

    Bernice is the Employment Director at Crossroads the biggest homeless shelter in Rhode Island. With over 20 years of experience in advocacy for the homeless Bernice brings the type of understanding of advocacy Time To Advocate needs to be successful. Bernice has signifiant experience in organization development, is detail oriented, and driven. Bernice was born and raised in Rhode Island and after traveling the world as a young women found herself back home in Rhode Island fighting for our most vulnerable community members.

  • Mike Czaplicki

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